

Wrang is a markup language, similar to markdown. It has a different syntax, a smaller scope and is not a replacement for the feature rich tool that markdown is. It serves the purpose of making my job easier when writing simple static webpages.


Lih2 is a shell script that I use to maintain my personal blog. It uses wrang to convert wrang-markup files to html. If you're running a Windows machine and still want to use it, try it on WSL !


Cuppu86 is an experimental 8086 CPU simulator backend which I wrote alongside a course on microprocessors that I took in university. The course focused a lot on 8086 assembly programming, but I was much too interested in knowing how that assembly actually runs to not try and implement a CPU simulator. I hadn't understood how interrupts work while implementing the project, and so the 4 instructions that involve interrupts things were left unimplemented. Even so, the project covers 98% of the ISA.


CGSIMRD, or Coarse Grained Simulation of RNA and DNA, is a software package that aids in performing coarse grain simulations of RNA and DNA using LAMMPS. It consists of a few shell scripts that make it easier to use LAMMPS for DNA/RNA simulations. This was developed as part of a Study Project I did in university, and while there were no concrete conclusions that came from my study it was clear that this set of scripts was pretty handy.


Bru is a command line tool to design and simulate combinational as well as sequencial circuits. I developed this alongside the course on Digital Design that I did in university. Most of what we did in that course revolved around performing the simulations in our imagination and I wanted something better. While there are some limitations to what kinds of circuits Bru can simulate, it is still an interesting tool that is fun to play with.


Colon is an interpreted toy programming language. It is a product of my learnings from Thorsten Ball's Book on the Monkey Programing Language, with a syntax that is loosely based on that an older project I co-authored Axolotl.


Bmp-vyu is an image viewer for .bmp files written in C using Raylib Back to home