The Colon Programming Language

Colon is an interpreted toy programming language. It is a product of my learnings from Thorsten Ball's Book on the Monkey Programing Language , with a syntax that is loosely based on that an older project I co-authored Axolotl.


I've wanted to implement my own programming language for quite some time. Thorsten Ball's amazing book, "Writing an interpreter in Go", was instrumental in the construction of Colon's interpretter. Colon's syntax may vary from that of the Monkey programming language, but that book is the source of much of what I have learnt about writing interpreters. Colon is influenced by functional languages like Haskell in some ways, and also by imperetive languages like Go itself. Its a mish-mash of different ideas and is quite interesting to use.

Since it is a toy language though, I haven't designed it with any specific goals in mind. It is not a production ready language by any means, and may have bugs that I remain unaware of. If you do find bugs , feel free to open an issue on GitHub. If you're interested in building interpreters too, you can even try fixing some bugs yourself !

Basic Syntax


Colon has 5 basic datatypes - integers, floating point numbers, booleans, strings and lists. Integers, Floats, Booleans and Strings are quite standard, just like they are in other programming languages. The list datatype is similar to lists in Python, elements of a list can be of any datatype. Colon has no usable NULL datatype (even though internally, some expressions can evaluate to the EMPTY datatype).


In Colon, variables are declared without specifying its datatype and any variable can hold a value of any datatype. Since there is no usable NULL datatype, a variable must be initialized during declaration. Also, variables in Colon are immutable - expressions such as x = x + 1 give some rather ugly error messages.

Variable declaration (and simultaneous instantiation) syntax is

v: variable_name = value

Though variables are immutable, you can always reassign a value to a variable using the declaration syntax. This works because the expression on the right of an assignment is evaluated before the expression on the left. Regarding the previous example, if one wants to assign the value of x + 1 back to x one can do something like this :

v: x = 12

v: x = x + 1

Operators and Operations

Operations on Integers

+ addition

- subtraction

* multiplication

/ division

% modulo

^ power

Operations on Floating Point Nnumbers

+ addition

- subtraction

* multiplication

/ division

Operations on Booleans

! Boolean Negation

Operations on Strings

+ concatination

Operations on Lists

+ concatination

Builtin Functions

Colon has a very minimal set of builtin functions. Two very useful functions that Colon provides are the print and the input functions.

The print function can take in any number or arguments. It prints each argument on a new line and does not support formatting like C or Go's printf function (if need be, I might add in this feature later sometime). A simple "hello, world!" print statement may look like this:

print("hello, world!")

The input function is perhaps the only function in Colon that requires the programmer to specify the datatype of the expected input. The general syntax of an input function call is as follows:

input(variable_name, expected_type)

It is important to remember that uninitialized/undeclared variables cannot be used as arguments to any of these functions. Using variables that haven't been declared result in errors during runtime.

Strings and Lists have a bunch of builtin functions that can be used with them. the len, head and last functions operate on both strings and lists.

As expected, the len function returns the length of the string or the list passed to it as its argument.

This allows us to do something like :

v: length_of_hello = len("hello")

The head and last functions return the first and last elements of the given list or string respectively. Thus,

head([1, 2, 3, 4]) ---> returns 1

last("world") ---> returns d